第四十二期-银行英语情景口语:现金业务 假钞情景四A: What can I do for you today? 今天有什么我可以帮您的? B: It's a little embarrassing really; you see I think I've got a counterfeit note. 这真有点儿尴尬,你看我想我这里有一张假钞。 A: Do you remember where you got it? 您还记得是在哪里得到的吗? B: No, I don't. Usually I'm very careful about checking the money I'm given, but for some reason this one slipped through. 不,我不记得了。我通常很认真地检查我收到的钱,但不知怎的让这张溜进来了。 A: Counterfeit notes these days can be very sophisticated and difficult to spot with the naked eye. But I must warn you that if it does show to be a counterfeit I have no option but to confiscate it. 现在,伪钞可以做得很逼真,而且肉眼很难分辨。但是,我必须提醒您,如果证实它是伪钞的话,我没有选择,只能予以没收。 B: I understand. To be honest, I'll be glad to get rid of it if it is a fake. 我明白。老实说,如果它是假的话,我很乐意处理掉它。 A: The machine shows it to be counterfeit. You'll need to fill in this form and I'll give you a receipt to show the money has been confiscated. 这个机器显示它是伪钞。您需要填写这张表格,并且我会给您一张收据证明钱已被没收。